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TrackingPoint New Apps and Connecting to Wifi

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

The TrackingPoint Apps names have changed you can find the new apps here:

Talon Precision ShotView

TalonPrecision TrackingPoint

After you download each app make sure you click "always allow" for location settings or you will have issues connecting to your scope.

You may also see "Shot-View" would like to find and connect to devices on your local network. Click "Ok".

Connecting to Wifi

You will use the same steps to connect to your scopes wi-fi as you would to connect to your home or office wi-fi

  1. In your phones settings go to "wi-fi"

  2. Find your scopes wifi network [usually your rifles serial number]

  3. Click your network and enter your wifi password to connect

  4. Open your TrackingPoint or Shotview app

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2 comentários

John Smith (Johnny)
John Smith (Johnny)
10 de jan. de 2023

Are the new apps only available through IOS/Apple products?

10 de jan. de 2023
Respondendo a

Johnny, yes, the new apps are only on IOS/Apple for now. I made Talon Precision Optics aware the apps have been taken off Google Play and they said they were working on it. I'll let you know if I hear any new updates.

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